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Der Blaue Reiter – Abstraction and Intuition
Discover the German modernist movement that inspired Expressionism and its pioneering leader: Kandinsky
Regionalism – The Little-Known, World-Famous Art Movement
Grant Wood’s ‘American Gothic’ is one of the most iconic images of the twentieth century – and it belongs to Regionalism
The Baghdad Modern Art Group – The Birth of Arabian Modernism
The Baghdad Modern Art Group created a unique fusion of Cubism, Expressionism, and Iraqi culture
The Macchiaioli – The Italians who Invented Impressionism
Before Impressionism swept across the world in the late nineteenth century, a group of Italians were already changing the course of art
Thomas Jones: Naples and the not-so-Romantic Landscape
Delve into the world of eighteenth-century landscape pioneer Thomas Jones and his revolutionary perspective
Marianne North – The Landscape of Botany
Marianne North was a Victorian botanical artist who travelled the globe painting flora and fauna in the landscape
African Queen – A Review of the Virtual Exhibition
Discover real and legendary African Queens, depicted in a stunning contemporary photographic exhibition with Razana Afrika
Robert Seldon Duncanson: The Tale of a Nineteenth-Century Black Artist, from Cincinnati to the White House
Delve into the rich history of one of America’s most outstanding Romantic landscape painters
L. A. Ring – Master of the Danish Landscape
At the turn of the twentieth century, L. A. Ring was painting the Danish rural landscape as it was affected by industrialism